1st Vyronas Street Art Festival
Celebrating the 200th anniversary of the outbreak of the country's Independence War against the Ottoman rule and the philhellenes who donated their property and often their lives for the idea of Greek independence, the most famous of which was Lord Byron, ten distinguished street artists answered the question "Can philhellenism and the struggle for freedom work as a source of inspiration?"
The last weekend of May 2021, the Municipal Gym "Stefanos Karalis" and the wall of the 3rd Primary School at the corner of Messolongiou & Erythrea streets, filled with colour! The list of artists has been long with renowned representatives of contemporary urban art, but with different starting points and diverse styles.
With initial inspiration from the Greek Revolution, the artists would create artworks, each looking at the subject from his own artistic point of view.
List of artists
The line-up included names whose works have changed the face of the city in recent years.
The distinguished street artist Achilles is known for his wonderful female portraits and anamorphic works.
Alone98 uses art to oppose racism, violence and war.
The visual artist Chrysolie uses a number of techniques and methods such as illustration, painting on useful objects and murals.
Fotizontas, experimenting with various techniques, creates beautiful works on the subject of society, ecology and the innocence of childhood.
Krah with his stunning creatures, who after a decade of graffiti in London continues to blend mythology, pop references and futurism.
Nozo1 that using black and white colour palette creates beautiful works delivering elements of realism with socio-political messages.
The graffiti and street artist Platonas, one of the most active creators of the space.
The self-taught artist Skitsofrenis, active in street art since 2008 with murals in Athens but also in his hometown, Messinian Mani.
The architect and visual artist Thinker mixes shapes, forms and colours in an experimental mood.
Yiakou with his colourful anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures, grafts love, dreams and memories.
Except for the main artists, a lot of other artists of graffiti and street art joined us and they created some amazing artwork and made the gum beautiful heaven of colour and art.
Complementary actions
With the support of local businesses and the passion of the people of the municipality and always observing the necessary protection measures, we spent two days with music, wine and art.
From Saturday afternoon until the end of Sunday night, visitors participated creatively, writing on a specially designed wall and answering the question "What does the word freedom mean to you?"
The organizers
The festival was a co-organization of our company together with the Municipality of Vyronas. The cultural activity in the municipality was at times of high quality. It is powered by its own name, dedicated to the memory of one of the leading personalities of the 19th century and a number of unforgettable figures of art, science and culture, who lived and were hosted in the area, such as the legendary Isidora Duncan, Eleni Glykatzi Arveler , Konstantinos Despotopoulos, Menelaos Lountemis, Iakovos Kampanelis, Dimitris Psathas.
Major sponsor: Cosmos Lac
Sponsors: Beer on us, Oinos 10, Diktamo, Dazz Cafe
Power in Numbers
Project Gallery